$200 Uxur Taxi Free Coupon : A lot of classified websites, but just a couple of them would worth your time.
For instance, you buy one regular classified ad for five dollars, time would be one month or roughly 30 days.
If you buy one ad from us, time would be 12 months or 365 days.
How much traffics in 30 days, not much.
How much traffics 12 months or 365 days, could be about a thousand and specially if you optimize your ads for search
Our basic package has 4 ads.
So you have 4 ads every 30 days for about 1.67 dollars and your daily cost is .056 penny.
Per year or 365 days you have 48 ads plus index.
Let’s see how we get clicks, first from visitors and second from search engines.
By hosting your ads for 12 months or a year, you will get index.
Index means traffics from search engines.
I spend over a decade in classified ads, they never work for me.
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